How we work

We work with you step-by-step through our seven-stage process:

  • 1. Coffee chat

    This is a relaxed initial conversation for us to get to know one another. There is no obligation from either side and this is at our cost. Book a coffee chat here.

  • 2. Discovery

    An in-depth dive into your personal and financial circumstances - the more information the better. This meeting will help us understand where you are just now, which later allows us to determine where you will be. Normally this is completed on our secure client portal.

  • 3. Information gathering

    This stage involves us writing to your existing pension, insurance and investment providers to fully understand the detail of your arrangements. We will report back on your charges, investment performance, product features and more.

  • 4. Your financial plan

    We will walk you through your financial future using cashflow modelling software, and present your Lifetime Financial Planning Report. This document will contain advice on how to lower your tax, budget appropriately, determine appropriate contribution levels and more, depending on your circumstances.

  • 5. Proposal

    This part isn’t going to be applicable for everyone, as in some instances your existing arrangements may be doing the job just fine.

    If we think you would benefit from a new financial account (pension or investment normally) you will be given a detailed proposal document outlining our thoughts, the rationale behind them, and applicable fees.

  • 6. Implementation

    Does what it says on the tin. This could involve the transfer of existing assets, the establishment of new policies, or tweaks to your existing set-up. We will handle as much of the administration as possible for you.

  • 7. Ongoing review and adjustment

    Life changes all the time, and a financial plan is only as good as the last review. This part of the service ensures you remain on track, annually using your available tax allowances or generating retirement income, as two examples.